Just Max

Just Max Blabbering.

Nothing too interesting - nothing too controversial

Friday, July 2, 2010

My (not so) Creative Space

There are so many people out in Blog Land who are creative and clever and able to whip up masterpieces with the click of scissors and, I dunno, a couple of elastic bands (sounds like MacGyver). Well guess what? I'm NOT one of them. I can't even colour in between the lines. I tried to make some summer shorts in high school and they would have looked okay if STEVIE frigging WONDER was looking at them. Anyway, with some prompting from the Screamstress, I've decided that I am actually creative - just in a less glamorous, less useful way. Below are some pics of my 'Creative Space' -

Yep - I can cook. I'm vegetarian but my boys (hubby and 10 year old son) both eat like vikings so despite my culinary objections, I end up cooking dead stuff for them. They both like boring old boiled vegies and some sort of meat, but I'm trying to expand their tastes to include more exotic, spicy foods. I'm not very good at baking but I like experimenting (yesterdays 'Brownie Cheesecake') were a hit!

I have one other Creative Space, with the pic below:

My beloved study where I like to hide and read, correct student work, or write. I wish I could spend more time being creative in the study, but at the moment I'm flat chat doing everything else around the place.

Nope, I'm not as creative or inspiring as others who I admire immensely, but I'm getting there. In the mean time, I'm lucky to have awesome mates who can lend me their imagination and help me maintain my gorgeousness.

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