Just Max

Just Max Blabbering.

Nothing too interesting - nothing too controversial

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Today we've been entertaining. I love having people over. When I was a kid we always had people dropping over and sharing a cuppa for no reason other than they were in the neighbourhood. People don't seem to be quite so casual these days and although it's nice to have notice that visitors will be arriving (mainly so I can run and clean the loo - just in case...), I'm a big fan of the 'drop in'. Let's have a drop in resurgence! If ever you're in the same area as someone you know - drop in and say hi. Even if there's nothing much else to say or no real purpose for a visit, drop in and say g'day. It's cool to be friendly.

Anyway, here are some pics of the yummy snacks I whipped up:

Only one thing better than a choc cake, and that's a choc-choc on choc cake.

Same great cake, only this time with a wanky flower.

Triple Choc biscuits

Thumbs up from the boy

I do have a confession to make.. The biscuits were courtesy of our dear, old friend - Mrs Crocker; or Betty as I prefer to call her. I would like to say that my boys noticed the difference and were horrified, but in truth, they prefer the packet mixes. I don't know why I bother...

Anyway, we had a great day. The wine flowed freely and the conversation verged on smutty - excellent. Now I've got to do the dishes. Bastard dishes wreck everything.


  1. Love the drop in! Try my Mega Easy biscuit recipe, its EASIER than packet mix - now there's a big call.

  2. Looking great Max!! Ill drop in but ill call first so you make chocolate cake.. ill give you an hour or so to get it done!! :) annie-nonymous

  3. Its better than the usual rubbish she cooks



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